Common Sewer Issues During Winter

sewer repair in Columbus, OHMost people don’t think about problems in their sewer lines during the winter, but there are still plenty of reasons why you would require sewer repair in Columbus, OH, during the coldest months of the year. Here are just a few sewer-related issues you might encounter before spring arrives.

Invading Tree Roots

Tree roots tend to grow deeper into the ground in the winter to find a source of water, which means they can become an even bigger threat to your sewer line. Invading tree roots can cause a sewer line to collapse or otherwise fall apart, so unless you want to replace sewer line before the spring thaw, you will need to keep a close eye on the trees on your property.

Frozen Sewer Vents

This particular issue can prevent wastewater from draining where it needs to go. If the sewage from your home has nowhere to go, it’s going to back up into your drains and cause all kinds of problems with your plumbing and your family’s health. Our range of sewer repair services should be able to take care of this problem, but only if you catch it before it gets too far out of hand.

Frozen Waste

Waste that is flushed down your toilet or washed down your drains may not flow as easily when the weather gets too cold, especially if you’ve been sending the wrong stuff down your drains. Cooking grease, starchy foods, and feminine hygiene products are bad for your sewer line in the best of circumstances, and they will cause even more problems if they get mixed in with frozen wastewater. A sewer pipe line repair service may be able to fix this, but as always, you need to be careful about what goes down your drains.

These are just a few of the issues that could plague your sewer line during the winter months. If you suspect that you have a problem with your own sewer line or you think you need a sewer line replacement, don’t hesitate to contact Sewer Pro today. Call us or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment.


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Sewer Pro is a company backed by an experienced team that routinely meets and exceeds the expectations of residential, commercial, and municipal clients. You'll find that our rates are reasonable and our staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Call us today or fill out our form to schedule an appointment.
